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All chefable courses
Taco Theory. The theory is tacos = good.
Coach Andras’ Sweet Toth Cravings are the perfect dessert to combine with every other course.
Spanish Cuisine Sokolov-Style – combined with the Seafood course, you’ll have a complete recipe repertoire!
Short & Sweet Cereal: just put it in a bowl.
Yasser’s award-winning famous spaghetti. A masterpiece.
Seafood Dishes Sokolov-Style – there’s something fishy about this course!
Short & Sweet Najdorf Salad has Najdorf in the name for no apparent reason.
Short & Sweet coffee – just put it in a mug.
Mr Dodgy’s Potato Power will change your life. Maybe even for the better.
Master Your Cheese with Judit Polgar will teach you everything you never wanted to know about cheese.
Magnus Carlsen’s Famous Noodles are what made him the man he is.
Adhiban’s B3an-based plates is a mandatory recipe for any #b3Cowboy.
Luciana’s Peruvian Ceviche – google it yourself.
Dutch Cuisine by Maaike Keetman is full of very edible recipes (probably).
Nate Solon’s Food for Thought will feed your brain AND your belly!
Ginger Snaps by Simon Williams is the perfect Christmas gift.
Kamil’s Pierogi is only too hot to handle if you’re impatient. Just let it cool down!